About the commissions, I'm currently not taking any... Been away from art for quite some time now, but hopefully I'll get back to it someday. Thanks for asking anyway. Have a nice one, mate!
I love this sprite pack I'm going to use it for a game series. Any custom logo you would like me to use for my credits? If not I'm going to use the logo in the lower right of the first space shooter pack.
Hey Gustavo, I think this space shooter asset pack would be a great addition to my project - the Flowlab game maker (https://flowlab.io). Would that be OK with you?
Po cara, curti de mais as artes. To iniciando em gamedev, como eu faço pra cortar as imagens e extrair os sprites? usei um site mas elas sairam super tortas...
Hunmmm, você pode usar alguma ferramenta como o libresprite para cortar cada sprite individualmente. Muitas engines também já vêm com ferramentas de corte e seleção de sprites!
Hey there! I'm happy to hear the assets will be of good use :D
About expanding it, for now there are no plans on doing so. But I do plan on overhauling all my assets when I have the time to do so... And that might come with small expansion for all sets.
Would you mind sharing what would you like to see added to the set? Thanks!
Howdy bro! These are perfect for a project I'm working on. I'm making a collection app to keep all the games I make in. Thank you so much for this incredible artwork.
It really warms my heart to know my assets were used in your very fist game!! I've just played it and had a blast :D Thanks for making it and keep it up buddy, cuz if that was your first game, I can't wait to see the next one!
Hi, so I made a game with your assets and left the credit to the
creator of the asset, it is a very basic game because Ichallenged myself to make
a game in just 2 days and it was really cool, here the link:
Currently there are only two meteorites for this set! Right now I'm planning on making an expansion pack for this set, so we might have some more asteroids in the future, alongside new player's ships and bosses! :D
Sadly, UI is the only part that doesn't have a set standard size for slicing actually... So unless I'm unaware of another method, you will have to do it by hand :/
Well, not now but i'll do it soon.Right now i'm trying to create a good platformer or rpg.But i still have ur assets in projects folder.Gonna use it too.
I'm so grateful for the support, thank you very much!!! I really hope you can use this pack and I'm sure you will make something amazing with it :D
For the time being, I don't think I'll be continuing developing assets for it but we never know! It was such a blast working on these that I might add some things in the future.
I don't have a patreon actually (I'm REALLY new to all of this) but I do have a discord and I would love to chat there! Here is my tag
I'm currently working on a free complete isometric tileset+characters+items+ui in isometric perspective and it should be up by the end of next week!! Btw this is why I can't make many more new assets for this specific pack
Again, thank you for supporting and reaching out to me! It has been amazing to talk to everyone that liked this asset pack.
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Amazing work, there's a lot of great stuff in there
Do you accept paid commission ? I really like what you're doing
Hey there! Thanks for the kind words :)
About the commissions, I'm currently not taking any... Been away from art for quite some time now, but hopefully I'll get back to it someday. Thanks for asking anyway. Have a nice one, mate!
That's too bad but no worries
Have a good one too
Great assets! I used them in my first game jam (188th Trijam). I also gave you credits.
Here is a link to my game: https://gekkesucro.itch.io/space-station-sabotage.
What an amazing thing to hear! And what a fun little game :D

I did my best but oh boy those ship are faaaast
What a find!
Lovely style! Great work!
Tysm! I'm planning on getting back to making some more low res packs, so stay tuned :D
Thanks :)
I love this sprite pack I'm going to use it for a game series. Any custom logo you would like me to use for my credits? If not I'm going to use the logo in the lower right of the first space shooter pack.
Thanks! I'm happy it will be put good use :D you can go with that logo for sure, I'm good with anything really!
I made this game for the GMTK 2022 with this pack ! You are in the credits !
Hey Gustavo, I think this space shooter asset pack would be a great addition to my project - the Flowlab game maker (https://flowlab.io). Would that be OK with you?
Hey there
Oi, that is awesome to hear! If the assets are being useful, I'm totally ok with that :)
Thanks! I think they're going to be super useful :)
some one please tell me how to cut this up into individual sprites please i have been trying to cut this for so long.
Hey there! In which software are you trying to cut it?
i game maker studio but i am fine with it just cut any way, i tried it manually and it took to long.
This looks amazing!
I'm using this in my project. Thank you!
It's very experimental stage though..
use it for my game, wait the link!
This exactly what I needed, Thanks! I'll make sure to credit you :)
Glad the package will be put to good use! :)
Great asset pack! Maybe you should try to create a game demo!
Po cara, curti de mais as artes. To iniciando em gamedev, como eu faço pra cortar as imagens e extrair os sprites? usei um site mas elas sairam super tortas...
Hunmmm, você pode usar alguma ferramenta como o libresprite para cortar cada sprite individualmente. Muitas engines também já vêm com ferramentas de corte e seleção de sprites!
Thank you for making this pack, I want to make a game with these do you plan on adding anything else to this pack?
Hey there! I'm happy to hear the assets will be of good use :D
About expanding it, for now there are no plans on doing so. But I do plan on overhauling all my assets when I have the time to do so... And that might come with small expansion for all sets.
Would you mind sharing what would you like to see added to the set? Thanks!
Maybe add some muzzle flash effects too :)
Perfeito! Vou usar em um projeto, muito bom.
Vou colocar os créditos, na open source do jogo.
Muito obrigado!! Toda vez que leio que a arte será usada em um projeto sinto que todas as horas de trabalho no pacote valeram a pena, hahaha!
Howdy bro! These are perfect for a project I'm working on. I'm making a collection app to keep all the games I make in. Thank you so much for this incredible artwork.
awesome! I'm glad the assets are a good fit for the project :) Let me know when it is done, I would love to see it!
Just uploaded my first game project using your asset :P with credits ofc! Keep it up.
It really warms my heart to know my assets were used in your very fist game!! I've just played it and had a blast :D
Thanks for making it and keep it up buddy, cuz if that was your first game, I can't wait to see the next one!
Tão bonitos! <3 (>°.°>)
Obrigadooo!! Fico feliz que tenha curtido :D
Hey made a game with your assets, loved them. Was wondering if you'd ever be open to doing some commissions?
dude that is soooooo awesome!!! :D
I'm really happy you made it and that it was fun!
I'll try it out for sure! Thanks for letting me know :)
why there are no meteorites D: i need meteorites for my game :(
Currently there are only two meteorites for this set! Right now I'm planning on making an expansion pack for this set, so we might have some more asteroids in the future, alongside new player's ships and bosses! :D
What do I slice the UI as? 8x8 doesn't seem to work
Hey hey! Thank you for getting in touch :)
Sadly, UI is the only part that doesn't have a set standard size for slicing actually... So unless I'm unaware of another method, you will have to do it by hand :/
No worries, I went ahead and did that! Thanks for the pack, it's awesome!
No problems! Thank you for giving it a try and pointing out the UI stuff. I'll have it in mind for the next pack to make everyone's life easier :)
Really cool!
Thank you!
Loving the art.Looking forward to make a game by using ur assets.I'll credit u while maiking the game.Gonna start soon.
Hey thanks!! I'm glad you will be able to use the pack I made :D I'm pretty sure you will make an amazing game with it!!
Oh, and please keep updated on the development. I would love to see and test the game!
Well, not now but i'll do it soon.Right now i'm trying to create a good platformer or rpg.But i still have ur assets in projects folder.Gonna use it too.
Like this art set, will make game out of it…
Please do, it would be amazing to see what you can do with it!!
Its awesome!!!
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :D
Great Pack!! Bought/Donated to support you and might use these in my next stg.
Would you ever consider continuing asset creation for this pack? (Ie see you say this is the first of a few packs, so fingers crossed).
Do you have a pateron or discord?
Id gladly pay more (even though there is enough here for a game)
I'm so grateful for the support, thank you very much!!! I really hope you can use this pack and I'm sure you will make something amazing with it :D
Again, thank you for supporting and reaching out to me! It has been amazing to talk to everyone that liked this asset pack.
These are really fantastic. Could you zip them into one file?
I'm glad you liked it!! Thanks for pointing that out, I'll sure zip it, no problemo :)
AMAZING ! There is something special here ! Great Job, really !
I bought it, you deserve it !
That means SO MUCh to me!!! Thank you, for real... Have a blessed day, kind Cole&Gram :)
Thank you so much! I'm so amazed with you guy's responses to it... It has been such a relief over my anxieties of posting something I made :D
Forget your anxieties, forever !
Wow, fantastic. Haven't made a game in a long time, been making assets as well, but I think I'll be making a game with these.
Great work.
Also, 5 stars.
Thank you so much!! And I'm so happy you got inspired byt the assets :D Please keep me updated on your project!
Awesome job!!
Thank you, kind sir!
Hey, thanks!! it means lot to receive positive feedback :D
So Nice, gonna make something out of it
Please do it and keep me updated!! It would mean a lot to see results of ppl using these :D
great job, keep it up
Thank you, I'm really happy that you liked it!